Brighter Health Network and Medspira Announce National Partnership

Posted by Clark Love on Mar 31, 2016 9:47:22 AM

Brighter Health Network (BHN), a leading medical diagnostics services company, and Medspira, a leading medical device maker, today announced a national partnership between the two companies to further market, distribute, and service Medspira’s mcompass anorectal manometry system.  BHN provides turn-key, on-site medical diagnostics that include equipment, staff, software, and supplies required to perform multiple types of diagnostic testing such as anorectal manometry.  As part of this partnership BHN will use Medspira’s equipment and supplies to service clinics and hospitals across the country that desire to offer anorectal manometry.  This partnership will enable these clinics and hospitals to offer anorectal manometry testing to their patients without having to purchase expensive equipment, train staff, or incur the other challenges encountered when providing a new service.  This will make it extremely easy for the clinics and hospitals to leverage anorectal manometry, which will in turn allow them to better diagnose and treat patients suffering from fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, and other lower gastrointestinal problems.  



“We are extremely excited about this partnership as it leverages the best of both companies.  It leverages the advanced features of the mcompass system, which was originally developed from intellectual property licensed from Mayo Clinic, and it leverages the service capabilities of BHN’s national nursing and diagnostic team, “ said Clark Love, CEO of BHN. 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states lower gastrointestinal problems, such as fecal incontinence, have a major financial and emotional burden on millions of older Americans.  Individuals suffering from fecal incontinence incur a negative financial impact of $4,110 annually dealing with fecal incontinence issues ($2,353 for direct medical and nonmedical expenses, and $1,549 for indirect costs associated with productivity loss) [i].  With approximately 17.3% of the U.S. population over the age of 65 suffering from fecal incontinence, this represents a negative economic impact of $28.4 billion annually.  Anorectal manometry is one of the best tools for properly diagnosing and dealing with fecal incontinence, and this partnership will have a direct impact on tackling this problem as efficiently as possible.

For gastroenterology practices, gastrointestinal surgeons, urogynecologists, gynecologist, and other practices that deal lower gastrointestinal issues, this new partnership allows these practices to leverage anorectal manometry without significant upfront costs or risks.  In today’s healthcare world, upfront capital costs are becoming more and more problematic.  Reimbursement rates can be cut with little or no advanced warning, which can make generating the needed financial return very difficult.  Additionally, most clinic staff are currently overburdened with the growing numbers of patients resulting from the Affordable Care Act, making it very difficult to find time and resources to train staff to perform relatively complicated procedures such as anorectal manometry. 

“Clinics and hospitals have almost always preferred to lease rather than purchase in order to optimize capital and return on investment and minimize upfront costs.  This partnership goes one step further and allows clinics and hospitals to lease an entire solution rather than a piece of equipment.  In addition our partnership will provide better access to important diagnostic testing for a group of patients who right now suffer in silence,” said Jim Quackenbush, CEO of Medspira. 

This partnership will have a profound impact on both practices seeking to implement anorectal manometry and patients needing this diagnostic service.  Both BHN and Medspira have plans to market the benefits of this combined offering and make it a lasting success.

About Brighter Health Network (BHN)

BHN helps medical practices, clinics, and hospitals unlock the potential of medical diagnostics and health therapies within their practices. Through a flexible combination of powerful software tools and efficient services/staffing, BHN helps its clients better serve their patients and make higher profits.

Contact:,, 888-508-3330

About Medspira

Medspira develops medical devices that serve clinicians with products currently not available, providing cost effective diagnosis and treatment for a variety of conditions.  Medspira leverages its close relationships with leading medical organizations to bring these medical devices to market.  Medspira’s relationships with major research organizations enable it to fulfill its mission to bring these new medical devices to more physicians, clinics, and patients. Mayo Clinic has a financial interest in the technology referenced in this news release. Revenue Mayo receives is used to support its not-for-profit mission in patient care, education and research.

Contact:,, 800-345-4502

[i] Source:

Read the full PRNewsWire Press Release here:

Brighter Health Network and Medspira Anorectal Manometry Partnership

 The learn more about BHN's and Medspira's anorectal manometry services click here.  

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