Care Pathways Involving Urodynamics

Posted by Clark Love on Aug 2, 2021 5:43:50 PM

Urodynamics is a panel of tests relating to the lower urinary tract. It is most commonly used in its entirety; however, it is also possible that one or more of the components will be performed separately if symptoms suggest this is necessary.

Urodynamics is the most reliable way to determine the cause of lower urinary tract symptoms and therefore, the best way to determine which treatment methods are most appropriate.

A Care Pathway is an evidenced-based framework to build a treatment plan upon, beginning with the primary physician, continuing to specialist referrals if necessary, and following the patient through to the end of their treatment (including follow-up care).

They typically follow a common path that starts with patient history, followed by clinical assessment, provisional diagnosis, first line management, specialist management, and follow-up care.

Some examples are listed here:

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Topics: Urodynamics Testing, General Urology Information, urodynamics, urodynamics equipment, urodynamics staffing, urinariy incontinence, urodynamics interpretation, post-void residual, stress incontinence, urodynamics profitability, urodynamics catheters, UroGynecology, Cystometrogram

The Difference Between Urodynamics and Cystometrogram (CMG)

Posted by Clark Love on Jul 30, 2021 5:29:29 PM

When it comes to conditions of the lower urinary tract, there are key differences to consider in order to determine which form of testing is the most appropriate. While there are striking similarities between methods that can potentially create confusion upon first glance, a practitioner knows which test is most appropriate for the corresponding symptoms.

One area that has the potential to create this confusion is determining the difference between the need for the broader Urodynamics testing panel or the Cystometrogram. While these two procedures involve many of the same elements, they are in fact different.

This post will provide a detailed comparison of the two methods and describe how they are similar, but also different. First, a brief explanation of the two methods before we compare:

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Topics: Urodynamics Testing, BHN, outsourcing diagnostics, urodynamics, incontinence, urodynamics service provider, male urodynamics, stress incontinence, Uroflow, Uroflowmetry, UroGynecology, Cystometrogram

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