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Why Urodynamics & UroCuff Tests Are Appropriate For Health Care Today

Posted by Clark Love on Dec 22, 2017 11:58:58 AM

In the US, over 17 million people suffer from daily urinary incontinence. When discussing the prevalence of incontinence, women are more predisposed to this condition. To get a better grasp on the seriousness of urinary incontinence, take a look at some facts:

  • Between the ages of 30 and 59, one in four women has had an episode of urinary incontinence
  • More than 50% of elderly people which are living at home or placed in specialized facilities have urinary incontinence
  • The good news is that 80% of those affected by urinary incontinence can be cured, or have their life improved.


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Topics: Urodynamics Testing, UroCuff

UroCuff vs. Urodynamics – How They Fit Together and Are Complimentary

Posted by Clark Love on Nov 2, 2017 9:51:44 PM

Urodynamics Explained

Urodynamics is a blanket term for a series of tests that assess the functionality of the lower urinary tract. Numerous 

problems of the bladder and urethra which commonly affect both men and women can be diagnosed via urodynamics. Typically, these tests are ordered to diagnose issues such as urinary incontinence or prostrate problems, as well as before and after any type of surgery involving the pelvic organs or the urinary tract. Common symptoms that result in a doctor ordering urodynamics include incontinence, frequent urination, inability to urinate, weak urine stream, painful urination, nocturia, recurrent urinary tract infections, and difficulties emptying the bladder entirely.  The types of urodynamic tests commonly performed include the following:

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Topics: urodynamics, UroCuff

Urocuff: What Is It And Why Should Urologists Offer It

Posted by Clark Love on May 16, 2017 3:19:28 PM

Diagnosing problems with the lower urinary tract requires a range of urodynamic tests to be performed, some of which require catheterization.

This procedure can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for the patient, and also result in complications. Now, there is a relatively new, less invasive way to collect data in men that are experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms that are common in patients experiencing disorders such as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

The principles of the UroCuff, as well as reasons that urologists should offer the UroCuff test, will be discussed.

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Topics: Male Diagnostics, UroCuff

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